PhD Thesis
- Jaime Arias. Formal Semantics and Automatic Verification of Hierarchical Multimedia Scenarios with Interactive Choices. PhD thesis, Université de Bordeaux, France, 2015.
I am a CNRS research engineer working for the SAFER research group of LIPN at Université Sorbonne Paris Nord. I did my Ph.D under the supervision of Myriam Desainte-Catherine and Camilo Rueda at LaBRI. Prior to that, I received the engineer degree in both Computer Science and Electronics from Universidad Javeriana under the supervision of Carlos Olarte and Eugenio Tamura.
My research interests include:
I am also a member of the AVISPA research group.
Here you can find my curriculum vitae.
My list of publications is available in DBLP and HAL.
I have been the principal investigator of the following projects: